Good Morning it is Monday and it is after 1am!!!!!!
Morning Carla and everyone!
A trip to the ER? Are you ok? Or, do you work in an ER? I am not sure. Hope you are ok if you had to go.
Oh today is Monday. Sorry to see the weekend go for some reason. It has been dreary and raining here all weekend. It is the cold that is damp and leaves you chilled to the bone.
Woke up at 3 to one of my dogs scratching at my bedroom door. I was in la la land and woke up thinking something was in my wall. I didn't realize it was a pesty dog,
I have a real busy week and am not looking forward to most of it.
Today, I think I have to stop at the grocery store. I don't make corned beef for St Patricks day my family loves Cottage ham, potatoes and cabbage. It was my moms favorite meals and mine. When she was going to have it for dinner she would call me saying " Guess what I made for dinner?" Then she would call me after dinner saying "I made a pig out of myself" lol
Went to my inlaws yesterday. They are in such bad shape I feel sorry for them. My father inlaw can't even walk. He is using a cane and cruthces to get around. His hip replacement isn't scheduled until mid april. He is in constant pain, even sitting. Such and active guy and this really has him down. My mother inlaw needs knee replacement and she is suffering too. Oh well... we try to help them as much as we can. Hubby going over there tonight to take out their rubbish. My daugther going there to clean on Friday. Have to do what you have to do. Who knows maybe we will need their help someday. No one knows what the future holds.
I know a lot of us have problems lately. Maybe they will get better soon. I hope so.
Going to go to the store and come home and take a nap. I know I will need one today.
Prayers to all
A trip to the ER? Are you ok? Or, do you work in an ER? I am not sure. Hope you are ok if you had to go.
Oh today is Monday. Sorry to see the weekend go for some reason. It has been dreary and raining here all weekend. It is the cold that is damp and leaves you chilled to the bone.
Woke up at 3 to one of my dogs scratching at my bedroom door. I was in la la land and woke up thinking something was in my wall. I didn't realize it was a pesty dog,
I have a real busy week and am not looking forward to most of it.
Today, I think I have to stop at the grocery store. I don't make corned beef for St Patricks day my family loves Cottage ham, potatoes and cabbage. It was my moms favorite meals and mine. When she was going to have it for dinner she would call me saying " Guess what I made for dinner?" Then she would call me after dinner saying "I made a pig out of myself" lol
Went to my inlaws yesterday. They are in such bad shape I feel sorry for them. My father inlaw can't even walk. He is using a cane and cruthces to get around. His hip replacement isn't scheduled until mid april. He is in constant pain, even sitting. Such and active guy and this really has him down. My mother inlaw needs knee replacement and she is suffering too. Oh well... we try to help them as much as we can. Hubby going over there tonight to take out their rubbish. My daugther going there to clean on Friday. Have to do what you have to do. Who knows maybe we will need their help someday. No one knows what the future holds.
I know a lot of us have problems lately. Maybe they will get better soon. I hope so.
Going to go to the store and come home and take a nap. I know I will need one today.
Prayers to all
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thanks Pat,
I used to staff and recruit doctors for emergency rooms for about five years. Until they closed our office in Downtown Cleveland. I LOVED that job. It was very stressful, I was on call 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. I found it challenging and rewarding.
I staffed hospitals in Dayton, Michigan and some in Ohio. I took care of 11 different hospitals. I scheduled the docs too. I was not very loved by their spouses when I had to call in the middle of the night.. or on a Holiday when doc's called off or were sick.
I miss that job
After that I recruited and staffed nurses, but it wans't the same.
I used to staff and recruit doctors for emergency rooms for about five years. Until they closed our office in Downtown Cleveland. I LOVED that job. It was very stressful, I was on call 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. I found it challenging and rewarding.
I staffed hospitals in Dayton, Michigan and some in Ohio. I took care of 11 different hospitals. I scheduled the docs too. I was not very loved by their spouses when I had to call in the middle of the night.. or on a Holiday when doc's called off or were sick.
I miss that job
After that I recruited and staffed nurses, but it wans't the same.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

good morning !!!!
i don't know that i could work in the ER, carla---i hate it enough when i have to take michael in...ah well- somebody has to do it and you seem to be the one!
it's raining lightly here and sposed to get up to 60* whoooo hooooo tho by sat or sunday we may get snow again...ah well- northern michigan!
how are our east coast folks?
did some shopping yesterday-had to get some serious copies made at office max.....
my work team is down to 3 - and we have 2 heavy hitter weeks planned....sooooooooooo hoping that it helps us to remain employed-- it's confusing to explain but by us staying on in recruiting we may get passed right over for the next level of operations....ah. well....doing our best!
mom and i went into a really cool cemetery saturday-actually two --one had a neatarrangement of teh family plot- we may "borrow" some of the concept for ours...the other one has many civil war soldiers there and gorgeous old old pine trees...stately! no camera tho so have to go back! oh darn!
dogs and michael are all cuddled in the living room- i need to get into the shower and get the week started....
eileen---brody has decided that his fave thing to do at nite and in the early morning is to put both of his long front legs on my shoulders and his head on my chest-which means his body is basically almost on mine! (his hips and butt remain at my side thank goodness!!!!!) he's approx 110# ---i think he has nettie beat!
hugs and prayers.....
i don't know that i could work in the ER, carla---i hate it enough when i have to take michael in...ah well- somebody has to do it and you seem to be the one!
it's raining lightly here and sposed to get up to 60* whoooo hooooo tho by sat or sunday we may get snow again...ah well- northern michigan!
how are our east coast folks?
did some shopping yesterday-had to get some serious copies made at office max.....
my work team is down to 3 - and we have 2 heavy hitter weeks planned....sooooooooooo hoping that it helps us to remain employed-- it's confusing to explain but by us staying on in recruiting we may get passed right over for the next level of operations....ah. well....doing our best!
mom and i went into a really cool cemetery saturday-actually two --one had a neatarrangement of teh family plot- we may "borrow" some of the concept for ours...the other one has many civil war soldiers there and gorgeous old old pine trees...stately! no camera tho so have to go back! oh darn!
dogs and michael are all cuddled in the living room- i need to get into the shower and get the week started....
eileen---brody has decided that his fave thing to do at nite and in the early morning is to put both of his long front legs on my shoulders and his head on my chest-which means his body is basically almost on mine! (his hips and butt remain at my side thank goodness!!!!!) he's approx 110# ---i think he has nettie beat!
hugs and prayers.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Monday and I'm home today, my work week cut to 4 days again for a while. Like I always say, good for my mental health, bad for the pocket book! Cuts my paycheck quite a bit.
Michael is doing just great. He is already wearing stuff he couldn't before. Our Saturday morning coffee group noticed his loss and it gave him encouragement. He will be done with the pureed foods Wednesday. I know that will help.
I'm going to get some housework done today that I didn't get to over the weekend. If it's gorgeous and sunny outside, like it was yesterday - I'll have to get out for a awhile. We got up to 63, I think, in Minneapolis and it was wonderful! I actually saw some of my spring bulb flowers starting to sprout in the morning and they were noticeably bigger at the end of the day! Wow.
Have good days everyone.
Michael is doing just great. He is already wearing stuff he couldn't before. Our Saturday morning coffee group noticed his loss and it gave him encouragement. He will be done with the pureed foods Wednesday. I know that will help.
I'm going to get some housework done today that I didn't get to over the weekend. If it's gorgeous and sunny outside, like it was yesterday - I'll have to get out for a awhile. We got up to 63, I think, in Minneapolis and it was wonderful! I actually saw some of my spring bulb flowers starting to sprout in the morning and they were noticeably bigger at the end of the day! Wow.
Have good days everyone.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Morning all,
I'm excited this morning that I was able to get a regular shoe on my bum know that means as soon as I feel confident I will be driving again.....yEEEEESSSSS!
A dull boring weekend -- dreary and cloudy yesterday -- I didn't get out of the house at all. Kids stopped by in p.m. for a bit -- son noticed my wall clock hadn't been changed, so he did that for me.....I just couldn't quite reach it and didn't want to fall trying.
I watched 4 or 5 movies. Finished back stitching the baby bib, and have it wrapped ready to go to work today....hope the gal likes it.
All you basketball fans will love this week with all the games pre=empting regular programming.
Off to get my breakfast, then to work. Hoping my compression stockings come today -- foot is still a bit swollen, but not too bad.
Have a marvelous Monday,
pat r.
I'm excited this morning that I was able to get a regular shoe on my bum know that means as soon as I feel confident I will be driving again.....yEEEEESSSSS!
A dull boring weekend -- dreary and cloudy yesterday -- I didn't get out of the house at all. Kids stopped by in p.m. for a bit -- son noticed my wall clock hadn't been changed, so he did that for me.....I just couldn't quite reach it and didn't want to fall trying.
I watched 4 or 5 movies. Finished back stitching the baby bib, and have it wrapped ready to go to work today....hope the gal likes it.
All you basketball fans will love this week with all the games pre=empting regular programming.
Off to get my breakfast, then to work. Hoping my compression stockings come today -- foot is still a bit swollen, but not too bad.
Have a marvelous Monday,
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning Carla and OFF family,
The weekend went by way too fast.
Carla working ER is rough, when I worked ER I always ended up working double shifts on a regular basis. Loved the OT but it does wear ya down.
Went to one of my volunteer's 80th Birthday Party. Isla has the energy of a 29 year old. She is sharp as a tack and just a joy to be around.
My hubby set up our weight lifting stuff upstairs so we could work out more!
The weekend went by way too fast.
Carla working ER is rough, when I worked ER I always ended up working double shifts on a regular basis. Loved the OT but it does wear ya down.
Went to one of my volunteer's 80th Birthday Party. Isla has the energy of a 29 year old. She is sharp as a tack and just a joy to be around.
My hubby set up our weight lifting stuff upstairs so we could work out more!
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I can just imagine it is hectic some nights in the ER ... I used to watch ER (and I like the show Real ER). I remember real hectic nights in the newsroom when we'd have breaking news. I'd come home all wired. It's why I could never sleep when I got home.
It's supposed to be sunny today but I don't know where ... certainly not here. It's still gloomy. I have a psychologist appointment and then I think I'm going to see the butterflies at Meijer Gardens. It will hopefully get me in a better mood.
Margo, Brody certainly beats out Nettie by a wide margin.
I made eggface's minidoughnuts yesterday ... good but they look more like minimuffins with a hole in the bottom. I put too much dough in the pan. Still, they were good. I might try a few variations of my own.
Well, I need to get dressed and ready to go. Have a good day.
I can just imagine it is hectic some nights in the ER ... I used to watch ER (and I like the show Real ER). I remember real hectic nights in the newsroom when we'd have breaking news. I'd come home all wired. It's why I could never sleep when I got home.
It's supposed to be sunny today but I don't know where ... certainly not here. It's still gloomy. I have a psychologist appointment and then I think I'm going to see the butterflies at Meijer Gardens. It will hopefully get me in a better mood.
Margo, Brody certainly beats out Nettie by a wide margin.
I made eggface's minidoughnuts yesterday ... good but they look more like minimuffins with a hole in the bottom. I put too much dough in the pan. Still, they were good. I might try a few variations of my own.
Well, I need to get dressed and ready to go. Have a good day.